Occasionally using our Men in Sheds project as a base, Age UK Bexley Cycling Club is aimed towards over 50s.
Every Friday morning, the group, supported by volunteers, cycle around Bexley and neighbouring boroughs. Rides go at a pace suitable for the whole group and are at a speed where riders can have a chat on route. Where possible, routes will go on traffic free paths and quiet paths. There is always the important tea and coffee stop either half way or at the end of the ride. Once you have signed up, you will have access to the route schedule and can see all the maps for future rides.
On occasion, we run peer to peer maintenance sessions at Men in Sheds. We have a bike repair kit, a bike stand, and a cleaning kit members are welcomed to use.
Rides are free to attend.
If you are new to cycling, this may be the perfect time to Get Bike Ready. Check out the resources below and our very own ‘tried and tested’ route maps, to help you with this journey!
To register your interest in joining the club, please head to our online form.

Click on the links below to download or go to the resource:
The route guidance we provide for rides will all be 6-7 miles and using mainly cycle paths. All routes however have been designed to be adaptable for the user. If you are doing a self-guided ride you can shorten or for more experienced cyclists make into a loop using the road.
🚴 Route 1- Shed to Crossness
🚴 Route 2-Southmere Lake to Gallions Reach Park
🚴 Route 3- Shed to Moat Lane
We understand not everyone can get out on their bikes. If you have an exercise bike or a pedal exerciser, consider using virtual bike rides on YouTube instead.
Virtual bike rides are simply videos which follow a road or track. You can station your workout equipment in front of your smartphone, laptop, tablet or TV and be transported to anywhere in the world. Ride as long or short distance as you like.
Here are a few of our favourites:
🏔Road ride in Clear Canyon Road, Utah, USA
🌲Forest ride in British Columbia, Canada
To find more head to YouTube and search ‘virtual bike rides’.
NHS Live Well
Here are exercises and top tips and on how to incorporate more physical activity into your lifestyle:
Exercise advice for older adults
We are Undefeatable
Check out We are Undefeatable's YouTube channel here - or you can find more great exercise tips on their website.
Cycling UK
Online maintenance guides and videos
Things to check before you set off on your bike- M Check
Things to check before you set off- ABCD Check
British Cycling
Global Cycling Network
TfL's Cycle Skills Course - Sign up for a free online course for developing your cycling skills:
Cycling UK- Advice for beginners:
The Highway Code - Road rules for cyclists:
London Cycling Campaign’s Bexley Cycling
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/320317671805787
Cycle Buddies Scheme: Partner with a more experienced rider to build confidence and try new routes: https://lcc.org.uk/groups/cycle-buddies/
Email: Bexley@lcc.org.uk
Bexley Bike Park- Martens Grove Park
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/BexleyBikeClub
Have you recently been inspired to get back on the bike? Or have the inside track on routes in Bexley or cycling top tips? Get in touch!
We want to hear from Bexley residents on their favourite rides and see you #getbikeready. Send your suggestions and pictures to Emily by emailing- emily.willey@ageukbexley.org.uk