Become a Shed Member
Men in Sheds is a social club for men over 50 to come together and be creative in a small workshop environment.
What does being a shed member mean?
By being a shed member, you benefit from:
Use of the primary wood workshop and garden at Christ Church Erith
Invites to shed and off-site socials or learning trips
Opportunities to meet new people and get involved in your local community
Unlimited tea and coffee
What activities are available?
At our site in Erith, we primarily have the equipment for woodwork and a garden space.
Day to day activities is led by you. Members can use the workshop to pursue personal or group projects. You can also get involved in shed fundraising. We often create items commissioned from local organisations and schools.
The tea and coffee breaks are also very important activity in the Shed!
Do I need to have woodwork skills to join?
No. Whether you have a background in a trade or new to woodwork there is a place for you. A large part of joining the project is skill sharing and learning from your peers. Everyone has a skill they can contribute and to help each other out. And this is not limited to woodwork in the shed!
Men in Sheds is also first and foremost a social club, if you want to come in for a cup of tea and a chat you are most welcome to so!
How much does it cost to become a member?
We charge an annual fee for membership of Men in Sheds Bexley. The membership fee period runs from April to March each year. Fees can be paid in full or split into four instalments.
Annual Fees for 2024/25- £40.00
For large use materials for personal projects, we may also ask for a donation to the shed.
Fee Policy for New Members
After the health and safety induction, each new member will get a free tester period of two weeks to decide if the Shed is the right activity for them. The membership fees will then be pro rata calculated (to include the month the start date is in) from the member’s start date to 31st March.
For example: Member start date is 20th August 2024. Their fee period would be 8 months.
Pro rata annual fee for 24/25- £26.66
Would I benefit from one-to-one support?
It can sometimes be intimidating coming into a new group of people and having one to one support can be really beneficial. Other members or volunteers can help you settle into the shed and do one on one activities. If this is something you would be interested in, please mention this to the Manager when applying.
How do I become a member?
To become a member please contact Emily Willey (Shed Manager).
Phone: 07780655185/ 0208 300 0883
Online contact from: Click here
We can then register you on our system and arrange a date for you to visit the shed. Please do not visit the project until an appointment has been made.
I know someone who might benefit from getting involved in the project, how can I refer a friend or family member to the Shed?
To refer a friend or family member to the shed please contact the Shed Manager, using the contact information above.
Please note, due to the nature of the project, we do have some membership criteria. For more information, please click here.
If the Shed is a suitable group for them, we can then arrange a shed visit for yourself and your friend/family member to see if they would like to get involved.
For more information or to refer yourself, family member or friend to this service please contact:
Emily Willey
Service Manager (Men in Sheds and Handypersons)
Tel: 07780655185
Online Self-referral Form